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Man calls Berlin subway “special train to Auschwitz”

Recherche- und Informationsstelle Antisemitismus – RIAS in Berlin has produced a report of an incident from earlier in the year on the Berlin subway.

Apparently on the Morning of January 30th a man described a train that was arriving on the platform of the u-Bahn station Eberswalde road on the U2 line as a “special train to Auschwitz”.

Apparently several onlookers laughed loudly when he made the remark.

January 30th is the date in 1933 on which Hitler was invited by Hindenburg to form a government. For this reason, RIAS believes that this and other factors point towards the comment being linked to far-right activity, which has been increasing to a disturbing degree in Germany.

The incident has only just come to light. RIAS decided to report on it, despite it having happened seven months ago, as they feel it is important to continue to provide thorough documentation of antisemitic activity in Germany.