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Official Palestinian line on Paris terrorist attacks: Israel was behind it

Using classic antisemitic conspiracy theories, the Palestinian Authority has blamed Israel for the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday. The official Palestinian Authority daily wrote:

The wise and correct thing is to look for who benefits. In short: They need to search the last place reached by the octopus arms of the Mossad… It is clear that its ‘Mossad’ will burn Beirut and Paris in order to achieve [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s goals. He, who challenged the master of the White House, hides in his soul enough evil to burn the world.

The official Facebook page of the Fatah party (the party of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who is about to enter the eleventh year of his four-year term) warned:

As a people who suffer daily aggressions by Israel we understand the suffering of the injured and the families of those who were killed in a cold blood…It is time to end the brutal Israeli occupation which breeds violence in the entire world.

These two extracts are only two of an avalanche of accusation from official Palestinian channels over the weekend.

Source: Palestinian Media Watch

By Everyday Antisemitism

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